construction site  Portable wash stations 

portable wash stations for job sites and construction zones

Your jobsites first defense againt covid 19

The Covid Pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Your jobsite or construction site can take safety to the next level with a GF500 portable sanitization system. Your employees, and site visitors can be confident knowing that you are taking care of their personal safety. The GF500 portable wash station is the newest solution in fighting Covid 19 and because of its durable stainless steel construction, you can trust that it will withstand even the most demanding work environments. It is also very easy to clean. The GF500 breaks down into separate parts which make it easy to transport. Its sturdy casters allow you to roll the wash station to different locations quickly and easily. Click here for more features. The SaniQuest wash station doesn't require a water source or electricity. Place the GF500 outside, near doorways, or in strategic locations on your construction site to allow employees or visitors to quickly wash and dry hands. 

Click here to speak to a SaniQuest Agent

Bring Safety  and peace of mind to your construction site 

Washing hands has never been more important, and as people visit your site, you can be confident that you are doing everything you can to keep your people safe from germs and viruses. A portable sanitization system give people peace of mind and shows that you are prepared and to tackle germs and viruses in difficult locations.

Click here to download our wash station info sheet